3 Life Changing Lessons From Brendon Burchard

3 Life Changing Lessons From Brendon Burchard

I had the privilege of chatting with renowned life coach, motivational speaker, and bestselling author Brendon Burchard who’s helped coach top successful Fortune 500 CEOs, Olympians, and many more. We talked about the events that led to the discovering of his life purpose – to help people succeed while pursuing true joy. There were so many good pieces of advice that I gained from our conversation that I tried to dwindle my list down to the top three that I thought were the most helpful not only for me but also to share with my heal squad. I hope these life changing lessons can impact your life as much as they have impacted mine!

3 Life Changing Lessons From Brendon Burchard

1. Humility will take you far

 Brendon said one of the best ways to overcome challenges in our life is to humble ourselves. By nature, humans are prideful so it’s not something that comes naturally to us. Remaining in humility means you have to trust the process you’re going through along with having patience with yourself. Brendon says we should be open to any helpful tools that can lead to our healing because those tools can change our outlook on life for the better. 

2. Happiness does not happen overnight

 We have this idea that happiness just happens to us instantaneously without any effort of some sort. But that’s one lie that Brendon debunked in our conversation. He said happiness is a work in progress that is created through habit patterns. These habit patterns have to be self-edifying to our lives. Some edifying habits he discussed were reading self-help books regularly, listening to podcasts (like this one obviously!), attending seminars, and so on. If you learn to make self-improvement a way of life, then happiness will follow.

3. Always challenge yourself to grow

 If you’re not growing, then you’re dying! As humans we were made to evolve into greatness but it’s up to us to take those steps if we chose to. Challenging yourself creates enduring excellence. As a society we’ve become obsessed with the idea of safety and perfection that it’s held us back from growing as individuals. Brendon says we should strive to learn new things (even if we fail) because it builds courage. Without evolution, we’re not able to be innovative and without innovation, it leads us to complacency.

Adopting these life lessons to your own life can help you improve your life as well as help you change your mindset. Interested in learning more about what else I learned from Brendon Burchard? Check out my episode with him down below!


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