My life has totally transformed these last few months and I’ve become a totally different person (in the best way!) I NEVER thought mediation would be for me. I took some classes, tried and tried, but sitting in black space alone with my thoughts was tough. It felt like I was failing all the time. So, I chalked it up to meditation just not being my thing.
Through the years I have searched and found some meditations that have bridged the gap. The one common thread was they helped GUIDE me through rather than leaving me alone in a world I couldn't be alone in YET. Here’s the thing friends, as much as I’m invested wholeheartedly in the self help world, the spiritual work and the life improvement work we do, this was an area I hadn’t really connected with. Well, enter Dr Joe Dispenza. I started with “The Formula” course online and my anxiety disappeared in 3 days. Seriously. From there I was hooked and went on the journey that culminated with a weeklong mediation event. I even did a 5 hour long meditation. Me!!! I did it because I was committed to my own healing and after seeing the testimonials of healings I was so in.
Below are some of my all time favorite meditations including the ones from Dr Joe that I love and a handful of others that have truly changed my life.
xx Maria
Meditation Guides
Check out some of my favorite Meditation Guides and their work. You won’t be disappointed. Happy Meditating!
Dr Joe’s passion can be found at the intersection of the latest findings from the fields of neuroscience, epigenetic, and quantum physics to explore the science behind spontaneous remissions. He uses that knowledge to teach people how to heal their bodies of health conditions, make significant changes in their lives, and evolve their consciousness. For me, Dr Joe’s Meditation’s are all about my healing – mind, body and soul. I interchange them depending on what I’m feeling and what I need, but it’s about creating my own life, creating my own future and knowing I’m in charge of it and I have the power. I feel more confident about my life after I do his meditations, they give me direction.
The Pineal Gland Meditation I do between 1 and 4 am when my body naturally wakes up, my chair is right by my bed with my eye mask. Even though it’s trippy to do this for 90 minutes, when I get back in bed I feel like I’m in a cloud. Because of this meditation, my body has developed chemicals similar to valium and I sleep like a baby.
The Generating Change Meditation is really great if I’m getting tripped up in my day or I need to change my energy for something big and I don’t have a lot of time. Again, it reminds me that I’m in control of my destiny and gives me confidence and peace.
I really love all of his meditations as they have changed my life. I recommend investing in his online course (The Formula Course) linked here and sold on his website. This is the one I started with. The other meditations I love from his website are the Blessing of The Energy Center’s 8, Walking Meditations 1 & 2, The Pineal Gland, Generating Change (this is the one I use before speeches and meetings), and Morning / Evening Meditations. Again, I interchange them depending on how I am feeling, but they are all really amazing.
Below I have linked our two most recent episodes with Dr. Joe, I highly recommend checking them out to get a feel for him and his teachings. Then, you can check out all his courses on his website. There are also numerous free meditations from him on YouTube, so check those out as well (I linked one free one below that is a short 20-minute morning meditation).
For any of the meditations I mentioned above, head to Dr Joe’s website: https://drjoedispenza.com/collections
When Yogini Jaima was on the show she introduced us to Yoga Nidra and it personally changed my life!
One session of Yoga Nidra is equivalent to hours of normal sleep. It’s called “nidra” because it activates the waves of the subconscious that are otherwise only active during sleep or deep states of meditation. I love how I am never left alone in this meditation. Jaima takes your awareness to different fingers and body parts, and you are an active participant in the meditation. But by the time you are done, you feel so rested.
I love the Yoga Nidra that Jaima recorded specially for our Heal Squad shown below, but if you don’t have 30 minutes, I also love this 20-minute one on YouTube: https://youtu.be/7H0FKzeuVVs
Agapi Stassinopoulos is a bestselling author and speaker who inspires audiences around the world. She is a fellow Greek sister, born and raised in Athens.
I love her guided meditations because they are quick and give you such a special energy. Her Colors Meditation (linked below) always makes me so happy. I feel a joy for life after doing it.
Plus you can watch our episode with Agapi here to learn more about her and her work (https://youtu.be/HX9Ngce6iS8 ).
Dr. Laura Berman is the world’s leading expert in sex, love, and relationships. She is a New York Times bestselling author, an award-winning radio host, and host of her podcast “The Language of Love.”
I love listening to Dr. Laura before big meetings or speeches – I’ve been doing her ‘Grounding Exercise’ in addition to a Dr Joe meditation and I really feel like it works, it really grounds me.
Link to her Grounding Exercise: https://youtu.be/fj97lhH3Yb0
Here are two additional links to quick meditations from Dr. Laura. One is her Grounding Guided Meditation (similar to the one she led us through above on the show) the second is her Quantum Love guided meditation. Enjoy!